We serve all cemeteries in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada that allow gardens to be installed. Please know that you don’t need to reside in Niagara to take advantage of our services. If you have a loved one laid to rest here, we are still here to help you.
Currently we have gardens in the following cemeteries:
NIAGARA FALLS: Fairview Cemetery, Lundy’s Lane Cemetery
ST. CATHARINES: Victoria Lawn Cemetery
WELLAND: Holy Cross Cemetery
DOANS RIDGE: Doan’s Ridge Cemetery
If the cemetery you would like to have a garden in, is not listed here, we would love to hear from you to help you honour your loved one in this very special way.
Call / text 365-880-LOVE (5683) or email info@plotsoflove.ca for more information.
Yours truly,
Erica Davidson, Founder
